Mason County, Illinois ILGenWeb


History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois, 1879, by Miller and Ruggles
Allen's Grove Township
Page 838

JACKSON HOUCHIN, farmer, stock breeder and stock raiser; P. 0. Mason City; was born in Edmonston Co., Ky., Nov. 12, 1819; went to Pike Co., Ind., with his parents in October, 1836; came to Mason Co., April 17, 1849; entered 254 acres of land in Salt Creek Township, where he stayed about a year; came to Allen's Grove in March, 1850, where he now resides, and bought at that time 640 acres (Sec. 5); to considerable extent is engaged in breeding fine Durham cattle. He married Nancy Ann Greenway Dec. 25, 1840, in Warrick Co., Ind.; she died Oct. 15, 1841. He then married her sister, Susanna Greenway, March 15, 1842; she was born in Warrick Co., Ind., June 8, 1826; her father, John Greenway, was born in North Carolina, and died in August, 1850; her mother, Sarah (May), was born in Georgia, died in October, 1846; they are buried in Warrick Co., Ind., where they resided. Mr. and Mrs. Houchin have had eleven children, viz., Lucy J., born Oct. 3,1844; Benjamin Ira. born Jan. 1,1847; they died of smallpox in February, 1848, and were buried in one coffin; William Isaiah, born Oct. 7, 1852, died in August, 1853; Edna died in early infancy. The living are John A., born Feb. 22, 1848; Andrew J. Feb. 25, 1850; George W., July 28, 1854; Alonzo, Dec. 15, 1856; James, Aug. 28, 1858. Malinda, Dec. 15, 1863, and Laura B., Dec. 7, 1867. Mr. and Mrs. Houehin have been members of the M. E. Church over thirty years. In politics, is a Republican. He owns a fine home and 760 acres of fine land.

Maintained by Mason County Coordinator Donna Mayer